Herb Seeds Herb Seeds

Grass Seeds Grass Seeds

Vegetable Seeds Vegetable Seeds

Ground Cover Flowers

African Daisy Mix Dimorphotheca Sinuata is an annual that comes from South Africa, and the plant has been naturalized throughout the United States. Commonly...
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Ajuga Bugleweed Ajuga Reptans is herbaceous perennial native to Europe, northern Africa, southwestern Asia. Commonly called Carpet Bugleweed and Common...
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Alpine Toadflax Linaria Alpina is a short-leaved perennial or biennial alpine plant native to mountain ranges in southern and central Europe. If started...
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Alyssum Basket of Gold Aurinia Saxatilis is a low-growing, evergreen perennial. Also called Yellow Alyssum and Gold Alyssum this compact ground cover is...
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Alyssum Carpet of Snow Lobularia Maritima is one of the best annual ground covers. Sweet Alyssum and Sweet Alison are other common names of this popular...
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Alyssum Carpet of Snow Lobularia Maritima is a compact garden annual and popular ground cover. Also commonly referred as Sweet Alyssum and Sweet Alison this...
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Alyssum Mountain Gold Alyssum Montanum is a low growing perennial. This Alyssum forms a low, trailing mound of silvery-grey foliage and blooms with masses...
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Alyssum Oriental Nights Lobularia Maritima is a wonderful annual ground cover. Also called Sweet Alison and Sweet Alyssum this fragrant garden favorite can...
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Alyssum Paletta Mix Lobularia Maritima is an outstanding, quick-flowering, low-growing border plant that is easy to grow from Alyssum seeds. Commonly called...
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Alyssum Purple Royal Carpet Lobularia Maritima is a compact, flowering annual. Other common names of this plant are Sweet Alyssum or Sweet Alison, and this...
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Alyssum Purple Royal Carpet Lobularia Maritima is a popular garden annual that can be easily grown from Alyssum seeds. Also known as Sweet Alyssum or Sweet...
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Alyssum Rosie O'Day Lobularia Maritima is a compact-growing annual native to Europe, Asia, and northern Africa. Also called Sweet Alyssum or Sweet Alice...
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Alyssum Tiny Tim Lobularia Maritima is an extremely low-growing garden annual. Commonly called Sweet Alyssum or Sweet Alison this dwarf variety reaches only...
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Alyssum Violet Queen Lobularia Maritima is a low-growing, annual ground cover that can be easily established from Alyssum seeds. Also known as Sweet Alyssum...
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Antennaria Pussytoes Red Antennaria Dioica Rubra is a low growing, carpeting perennial ground cover that can be started from seeds. Antennaria forms a...
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Antennaria Pussytoes White Antennaria Dioica is a low-growing, perennial ground cover. White Antennaria can be established from seeds, and this plant grows...
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Anthyllis Red Carpet Anthyllis Vulneraria Coccinea is a short-lived perennial that makes an excellent ground cover plant. Also known as Red Kidney Vetch and...
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Arabis Wall Rock Cress Pink Arabis Alpina Caucasica Rosea is an evergreen, low-growing perennial. Wall Rock Cress Pink is easy to grow from seeds, and this...
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Arabis Wall Rock Cress White Snow Peak Arabis Alpina Caucasica is a dwarf, compact growing perennial. Other common names of this plant are Arabis Snow Cap...
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Arenaria Mountain Sandwort Arenaria Montana is a low-growing perennial native to mountainous regions of southwestern Europe. Mountain Sandwort can be...
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Armeria Joystick Mix Armeria Maritima is a compact, evergreen perennial. Also commonly called Sea Thrift, Sea Pink, and Common Thrift, Armeria can be...
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Armeria Sea Pink Armeria Maritima Splendens is a herbaceous, compact, evergreen perennial. Armeria is one of the easiest perennials to grow from seeds....
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Armeria White Sea Thrift Armeria Maritima Alba is a compact, mounding, perennial. Armeria is also commonly called Sea Pink or Common Thrift, and this...
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Aruncus Noble Spirits Aruncus Aethusifolius is a herbaceous, clump-forming, perennial. Also commonly called Korean Goatsbeard and Dwarf Goat's Beard, this...
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Asarina Climbing Snapdragon Rose Asarina Scandens is a vining, tender perennial plant that belongs to the Snapdragon family. Also commonly called Twining...
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Asarina Climbing Snapdragon Violet Asarina Scandens is a tender perennial native to Mexico. This plant is also known as Twining Snapdragon and Chickabiddy....
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Asarina Climbing Snapdragon White Asarina Scandens is a herbaceous, tender perennial vine. Commonly called Twining Snapdragon and Chickabiddy, Asarina can...
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Asparagus Fern Asparagus Densiflorus Sprengeri is a tropical, evergreen perennial native to South Africa. Fern Asparagus is easy to grow from seeds, and the...
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Astilbe Bunter Mix Astilbe Arendsii is a shade-loving, unique in appearance, perennial plant. The Astilbe seeds can be sown indoors in early spring and...
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Astilbe Chinese Pumila Astilbe Chinensis is a compact form of Chinese Astilbe that can be started from seeds. This hardy perennial grows only 10 inches...
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Astilbe Chinese Astilbe Chinensis is a popular, upright growing perennial for shade. Chinese Astilbe can be established from seeds, and the mature plant...
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Astilbe Showstar Mix Astilbe Arendsii is a dwarf variety of common Astilbe that can be easily grown from flower seeds. Dwarf Astilbe grows 12 - 14 inches...
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Astrantia Masterwort Purple Astrantia Major is a clump-forming perennial plant that belongs to the Apiaceae family. Astrantia flower seeds are often started...
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Aubrieta Rock Cress Cascade Blue Aubrieta Hybrida Superbissima is a low growing, spreading evergreen perennial. Aubrieta Rock Cress can be grown from flower...
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Aubrieta Rock Cress Cascade Mix Aubrieta Hybrida Superbissima is a large-flowered variety of Aubretia that can be grown from flower seeds. Rock Cress...
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Aubrieta Rock Cress Cascade Purple Aubrieta Hybrida Superbissima is a popular low to the ground carpet-forming perennial ground cover that is started from...
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Aubrieta Rock Cress Cascade Red Aubrieta Hybrida Superbissima is a cascading perennial ground cover. Rock Cress Cascade is grown from flower seeds the...
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Aubrieta Rock Cress Pale Blue Aubrieta Hybrida Graeca is a very compact evergreen perennial. Aubrieta seeds can be sown directly outdoors, and the...
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Aubrieta Rock Cress Purple Aubrieta Hybrida Hendersonii is a mat-forming, herbaceous perennial. The Aubrieta ground cover seeds can be started indoors for...
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Aubrieta Rock Cress Royal Mix Aubrieta Hybrida is a compact low-growing, evergreen perennial that can be started from ground cover seeds. Rock Cress forms...
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Aubrieta Rock Cress Whitewell Gem Aubrieta Hybrida is a popular, evergreen perennial ground cover. The Aubrieta seeds are easy to germinate, and once...
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Baby Blue Eyes Nemophila Menziesii is a delicate, herbaceous annual plant native to California. Baby Blue Eyes is very easy to start from flower seeds, and...
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Bellflower Tussock Blue Campanula Carpatica is a perennial with a compact growth habit. Also called Carpathian Bellflower and Carpathian Harebell, this...
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Bellflower Tussock White Campanula Carpatica Alba is a compact, herbaceous perennial that is native to the Carpathian Mountains. Tussock Bellflower can be...
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Bergenia Heartleaf Pigsqueak Bergenia Cordifolia is a herbaceous, low growing, wide spreading ground cover. Bergenia seeds can be started indoors or...
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Betony Betonica Officinalis is a herbaceous perennial native to Europe and Asia. Also called Bishopswort, Purple Betony, Common Hedgenettle, Woundwort, Wood...
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Bird's Foot Trefoil Lotus Corniculatus is a herbaceous perennial native to Europe and Asia, but the plant has become naturalized in much of the United...
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Black Eyed Susan Vine Thunbergia Alata is a twining perennial vine that is native to tropical Africa. For the best germination, Black Eyed Susan Vine seeds...
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Blue Eyed Grass Sisyrinchium Bellum is a rhizomatous perennial that belongs to the Iris family. Blue Eyed Grass seeds are easy to grow, and despite the...
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Blue Fescue Festuca Glauca Varna is mound-forming, semi-evergreen, perennial ornamental grass. Blue Fescue seeds germinate fast, and the established Festuca...
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Brachycome Blue Splendor Brachycome Iberidifolia is a showy annual flower that is native to Australia. Brachycome seeds can be started directly outdoors,...
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Brachycome Mix Brachycome Iberidifolia is a care free annual plant native to Australia. Another common name of Brachycome is Swan River Daisy, and this...
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Brachycome White Brachycome Iberidifolia is a deciduous annual native to Western and South Australia. Easy grown from Brachycome seeds, this flower is also...
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Bugloss Blue Angel Anchusa Capensis is a biennial or short-lived perennial native to South Africa. Bugloss seeds can be started indoors in early spring or...
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Calluna Scotch Heather Calluna Vulgaris is a low-growing, evergreen ground cover plant. It is important not to cover Scotch Heather seeds, but just press...
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Cardinal Climber Ipomoea x Multifida is a twining annual plant. Cardinal Climber seeds are easy to grow, and they germinate fast. Ipomoea x Multifida has...
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Catchfly Nodding Rose Triumph Silene Pendula is an annual flowering plant native to Mediterranean region of Europe. Catchfly Nodding Rose Triumph seeds are...
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Catchfly Nodding White Snowdrop Silene Pendula is an annual flowering plant native to Mediterranean. Nodding Catchfly Snowdrop seeds are planted directly...
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Catmint Blue Nepeta Mussinii is a perennial flowering herb that belongs to the mint family. Catmint Blue seeds can be planted indoors, and the seedling can...
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Catmint Pink Cat Nepeta Nervosa is a compact growing ornamental herb. Catmint Pink Cat seeds can be planted directly outdoors in spring, and growing Catmint...
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Catnip Lemon Nepeta Cataria Citriodora is very similar hardy perennial herb to the more common Catnip plant and is considered to be a sister plant. The...
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Chamomile German Matricaria Recutita is a herbaceous annual herb plant native to to Europe, North Africa, and some parts of Asia. Chamomile German seeds...
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Chamomile Roman Chamaemelum Nobile is a herbaceous, evergreen, perennial herb native to Europe. Roman Chamomile seeds germinate fast, and this compact...
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Chilean Bellflower Blue Nolana Paradoxa is herbaceous succulent annual plant native to Chile and Peru. Chilean Bellflower Blue seeds can be started indoors...
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