Baneberry Black Seeds - Actaea Spicata

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Baneberry Black Actaea Spicata is rhizomatous herbaceous perennial native to Europe and Asia. Baneberry Black seeds can be sown in fall or winter. Also called Herb Christopher and Eurasian Baneberry, Actaea Spicata forms bushy clumps of finely divided, bright green foliage that usually remains attractive through most of the growing season. Black Baneberry blooms in late spring or early summer with creamy-white flowers in short, erect, simple or branched terminal racemes. The scented flowers are attractive to some insects such as flies, bees and beetles. The clusters of pea-sized glossy black berries emerge in summer and remain on the plant until frost.

Baneberry Black is cultivated as an ornamental plant for shady borders, flower beds, woodlands, cottage gardens, and naturalized areas. When planted in groups, Eurasian Baneberry can be grown as a tall groundcover. In order to shorter germination time, the cold stratification treatment is recommended for Actaea Spicata seeds. Black Baneberry grows beat in moist, fertile soil with lots of organic matter in partial to full shade.

WARNING: The entire plant is toxic if eaten and berries are extremely poisonous if ingested, so it has to be handled with care. Wear gloves, and clean tools after handling the plants.

Season: Perennial
Height: 18-30 Inches
Bloom Season: Spring/Summer
Environment: Shade/Partial Shade
Soil Type: Rich/Moist well-drained, pH 5.6-6.5
USDA Zones: 3-8

Sow Indoors: Winter (6-8 weeks before last frost)
Sow Outdoors: Fall
Seed Depth: 1/8 Inch
Germination Time: Varies

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