Herb Seeds Herb Seeds

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Blue Flowers

Agastache Giant Hyssop Lavender Blue Agastache Mexicana is a perennial that is native of southern United States and belongs to the Mint family. The...
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Ageratum Blue Mink Ageratum Houstonianum is a compact annual with a dense growth habit. Also called Floss Flower this splendid dwarf plant is easy to grow...
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Ajuga Bugleweed Ajuga Reptans is herbaceous perennial native to Europe, northern Africa, southwestern Asia. Commonly called Carpet Bugleweed and Common...
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Alpine Toadflax Linaria Alpina is a short-leaved perennial or biennial alpine plant native to mountain ranges in southern and central Europe. If started...
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Anise Hyssop Blue Spike Agastache Foeniculum is a lovely, flowering perennial herb. Also commonly called Licorice Mint, this flowering herb can be started...
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Anise Hyssop Golden Jubilee Agastache Foeniculum is a herbaceous perennial with an upright spreading habit. Other common name of this plant is Licorice...
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Aster Alpine Blue Aster Alpinus is a herbaceous perennial native to the mountains of Europe. Alpine Aster can be established from Aster seeds, and this...
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Aster Dwarf Milady Blue Callistephus Chinensis is a half-hardy annual aster. Aster Dwarf Milady Blue is easy to grow from seeds, and this dwarf variety...
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Aster Paeony Duchess Blue Callistephus Chinensis is one of the China Aster varieties and it is an annual flowering plant. Aster Paeony Duchess Blue produces...
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Aster Pompon Blue Moon Callistephus Chinensis is an annual garden flower that can be easily started from aster seeds. Also known as China Asters, this...
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Aster Pompon Blue Callistephus Chinensis is one of the most unusual annual asters. Aster Pompon seeds germinate fast and the plant establishes itself...
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Aster Pompon Light Blue Callistephus Chinensis is a fast growing annual aster. Also called China Aster Pompon, this annual garden flower features tall,...
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Aster Wartburg Star Aster Tongolensis is a perennial aster that belongs to the Asteraceae family. Also called East Indies Aster, this perennial can be grown...
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Aubrieta Rock Cress Cascade Blue Aubrieta Hybrida Superbissima is a low growing, spreading evergreen perennial. Aubrieta Rock Cress can be grown from flower...
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Aubrieta Rock Cress Pale Blue Aubrieta Hybrida Graeca is a very compact evergreen perennial. Aubrieta seeds can be sown directly outdoors, and the...
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Baby Blue Eyes Nemophila Menziesii is a delicate, herbaceous annual plant native to California. Baby Blue Eyes is very easy to start from flower seeds, and...
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Balloon Flower Blue Platycodon Grandiflorus is an easy to grow from seeds, clump-forming perennial. Also known as Chinese Bellflower, the plant produces the...
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Bellflower Clustered Campanula Glomerata Acaulis is one of the most popular, compact growing perennial bellflowers that can be grown from flower seeds. This...
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Bellflower Tussock Blue Campanula Carpatica is a perennial with a compact growth habit. Also called Carpathian Bellflower and Carpathian Harebell, this...
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Bellflower Willow Peach-Leaved Blue Campanula Persicifolia is an upright growing perennial that can be grown from bellflower seeds. Commonly called Willow...
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Blue Eyed Grass Sisyrinchium Bellum is a rhizomatous perennial that belongs to the Iris family. Blue Eyed Grass seeds are easy to grow, and despite the...
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Blue Fescue Festuca Glauca Varna is mound-forming, semi-evergreen, perennial ornamental grass. Blue Fescue seeds germinate fast, and the established Festuca...
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Borage Borago Officinalis is a hardy annual herb native to the Mediterranean region. Borage seeds are very easy to grow, and also called Starflower this...
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Brachycome Blue Splendor Brachycome Iberidifolia is a showy annual flower that is native to Australia. Brachycome seeds can be started directly outdoors,...
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Browallia Browallia Americana is a true annual plant native to South America. This striking flower is also called Jamaican Forget-Me-Not, Bush Violet or...
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Bugloss Blue Angel Anchusa Capensis is a biennial or short-lived perennial native to South Africa. Bugloss seeds can be started indoors in early spring or...
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California Bluebell Phacelia Campanularia is a delicate desert plant native to California.  California Bluebell seeds do not require light to...
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Canterbury Bells Blue Campanula Medium is a hardy, attractive biennial or annual bellflower. Canterbury Bells Blue seeds can be sown directly outdoors, and...
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Catmint Blue Nepeta Mussinii is a perennial flowering herb that belongs to the mint family. Catmint Blue seeds can be planted indoors, and the seedling can...
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Catnip Lemon Nepeta Cataria Citriodora is very similar hardy perennial herb to the more common Catnip plant and is considered to be a sister plant. The...
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Catnip Nepeta Cataria is a herbaceous perennial native to Europe and Asia, but the plant has naturalized all over the world, including southern Canada and...
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Chicory Cichorium Intybus is a perennial, herbaceous wildflower native to Europe. Chicory seeds can be started directly outdoors in fall or very early...
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Chilean Bellflower Blue Nolana Paradoxa is herbaceous succulent annual plant native to Chile and Peru. Chilean Bellflower Blue seeds can be started indoors...
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Columbine Blue Dream Aquilegia Caerulea is a herbaceous perennial plant native to North America. Columbine Blue Dream seeds can be started in trays indoors,...
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Columbine Blue Star Aquilegia Caerulea is a hardy perennial plant native to North America. Columbine Blue Star seeds germinate fast, and this Columbine...
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Cornflower Blue Dwarf Centaurea Cyanus is a cool weather annual native to Europe. Easily grown from seeds Cornflower is also known as Bachelor's Button and...
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Cornflower Blue Tall Centaurea Cyanus is a typical annual plant that is native to Europe but naturalized throughout North America. Effortlessly grown from...
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Cornflower Mountain Bluet Centaurea Montana is a hardy perennial native to European mountains. The Mountain Bluet Cornflower seeds can be started indoors or...
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Delphinium Blue Bird Delphinium Cultorum is a popular, tall growing, short-lived perennial. Delphinium Blue Bird seeds can be planted directly outdoors in...
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Delphinium King Arthur Delphinium Cultorum is a highly popular garden perennial plant. Commonly planted directly outdoors Delphinium King Arthur seeds can...
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Erigeron Macranthus Erigeron Speciosus is a widespread, vigorous, and easy-to-grow perennial flower that is originated in North America. Commonly known as...
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Blue Flax Annual Linum Usitatissimum is a cultivated annual flower. Blue Flax organic seeds are one of the easiest to germinate, and also called Common Flax...
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Blue Flax Perennial Linum Perenne is a hardy, herbaceous perennial wildflower native to Europe and western United States. Blue Flax Perennial seeds can be...
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Forget Me Not Myosotis Sylvatica is a biennial or short-lived perennial plant native to Europe. Forget Me Not bulk seeds are a great way to start Myosotis...
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Chinese Forget Me Not Cynoglossum Amabile is one of the very easiest wildflowers to grow. Chinese Forget Me Not seeds started directly outdoors in spring or...
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Forget Me Not Myosotis Sylvatica is short-lived, herbaceous perennial plant native to Europe. Very easy to establish from Forget Me Not seeds, this compact...
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Globe Gilia Gilia Capitata is a charming North America native wildflower that belongs to the phlox family. Globe Gilia seeds can be sown directly outdoors...
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Globe Thistle Blue Echinops Ritro is a herbaceous perennial flowering plant native to Europe and Asia. Globe Thistle Blue seeds can be started indoors, and...
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Grassy Bells Blue Edraianthus Tenuifolius is an ornamental, perennial flowering grass native to Eastern Europe. If after sowing Grassy Bells Blue seeds...
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Grey Hair Grass Spiky Blue Corynephorus Canescens is a compact, clumping, evergreen ornamental grass native to Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa,...
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Ground Ivy Glechoma Hederacea is an aromatic, creeping, evergreen, perennial flowering plant native to Europe and Southern Asia. For the fast germination...
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Honeywort Cerinthe Major Purpurascens is a tender perennial native to the Mediterranean region. Honeywort seeds are very easy to grow, and the plant is...
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Iris Oregon Iris Tenax is a showy, hardy perennial native to west of the Cascade Mountains in Washington and Oregon. Oregon Iris seeds can be started...
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Iris Rocky Mountain Iris Missouriensis is a showy, hardy perennial native to western and central North America.  Iris Rocky Mountain   seeds can...
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Kenilworth Ivy Cymbalaria Muralis is a herbaceous, evergreen perennial, native to Europe and Asia. Kenilworth Ivy seeds need light to germinate, so the...
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Korean Mint Agastache Rugosa is a lovely, flowering perennial herb. Also commonly called Blue Licorice, Purple Giant Hyssop, Indian Mint, Wrinkled...
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Lacy Phacelia Phacelia Tanacetifolia is an annual, desert wildflower that is native to California but has naturalized throughout the United States. Lacy...
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Lily of the Nile Agapanthus Headbourne Hybrids is a hardy perennial. Lily of the Nile seeds can be started indoors or directly outdoors, and also called...
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Lobelia Blue Carpet Lobelia Erinus is a herbaceous perennial plant native to southern Africa. For quicker flowering, Lobelia Blue Carpet seeds can be...
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Lobelia Blue Mrs. Clibran Lobelia Erinus is a herbaceous perennial plant native to southern Africa. Lobelia Blue Mrs. Clibran seeds can be started indoors...
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Lupine Blue Perennial Lupinus Perennis is a perennial herbaceous wildflower native to North America. Lupine Perennial seeds can be started indoors or...
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Morning Glory Caprice Ipomoea Purpurea is an annual climbing vine that is one of the original Bavarian varieties of Morning Glory. Morning Glory Caprice...
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Morning Glory Dwarf Ensign Royal Blue Convolvulus Tricolor Minor is a compact-growing, hardy, flowering annual plant native to the Mediterranean region....
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Morning Glory Flying Saucers Ipomoea Tricolor is an annual free-flowering, fast growing flowering vine. Prior sowing Morning Glory Flying Saucers seeds can...
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Morning Glory Grandpa Ott Ipomoea Purpurea is an annual twining vine that is one of the original Bavarian varieties of Morning Glory. Morning Glory Grandpa...
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Morning Glory Heavenly Blue Ipomoea Tricolor is a tender perennial vine native to tropical areas of Mexico, Central and South America. Morning Glory...
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Morning Glory Ismay Ipomoea Tricolor is one of the most beautiful varieties of Morning Glory vine. Morning Glory Ismay seeds have a hard coat, so nicking...
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Morning Glory Japanese Blue Picotee Ipomoea Nil is the Japanese cultivated variety of Morning Glory vine. Morning Glory Blue Picotee seeds can be started...
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Passion Flower Blue Passiflora Caerulea is a tropical perennial native to southern Brazil and Argentina. It is recommended to soaked Passion Flower Blue...
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Pimpernel Blue Anagallis Monelli is a tender perennial native to Europe. Pimpernel Blue seeds can be started indoors 8-10 weeks before last frost, and also...
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Primrose English Accord Blue Primula Vulgaris is a herbaceous perennial native to Europe and Asia. Primrose English Accord Blue seeds can be started indoors...
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Prunella Self Heal Light Blue Prunella Grandiflora is a semi-evergreen perennial flowering herb native to to Europe, Asia, North Africa and North America....
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Sage Blue Salvia Farinacea grows as a sub-shrub perennial in warmer climates and as an annual where winter temperatures stay below freezing for more than a...
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Speedwell Creeping Blue Veronica Repens is an evergreen carpeting perennial that is considered to be an alpine plant and can be successfully grown at...
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Spiked Speedwell Royal Candles Dwarf Veronica Spicata is a herbaceous perennial native to northern Europe and Asia. Spiked Speedwell Royal Candles Dwarf...
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Tahoka Daisy Machaeranthera Tanacetifolia is a hardy annual native to the mid­western United States. Tahoka Daisy seeds are started outdoors in spring after...
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Texas Bluebonnet Lupinus Texensis is a beautiful annual wildflower that is the state flower of Texas. Texas Bluebonnet seeds may germinate faster after...
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The Blues Blue Daisy Felicia Heterophylla is an annual daisy native to South Africa. The Blues Blue Daisy seeds are very easy to germinate, and they can be...
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Venus' Looking Glass Large Blue Legousia Speculum-veneris is an annual flowering ornamental plant that belongs to the the Campanulaceae family, and this...
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Vervain Hoary Verbena Stricta is an attractive perennial native to North America. If Vervain Hoary seeds are started indoors in winter, they need to be cold...
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Viper's Bugloss Blue Bedder Dwarf Echium Plantagineum is a biennial or annual flowering plant that belongs to the borage family and native to western and...
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The bright and deep blue colors that are in this mix will interlace any garden with its strong tone and aid gardeners in attaining the setting that they are...
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