Herb Seeds Herb Seeds

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Sedge Weeping Brown Carex Flagellifera is an ornamental, evergreen, perennial grass native to New Zealand. Sedge Weeping Brown seeds can be started indoors,...
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Sedum Aizoon Stonecrop Sedum Aizoon is a rhizomatous, succulent, herbaceous perennial native to Siberia and China. Sedum Aizoon seeds can be started indoors...
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Sedum Cliff Stonecrop Sedum Glaucophyllum is an evergreen, succulent flowering perennial native to the Appalachian Mountains. Sedum Cliff Stonecrop seeds...
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Sedum Czar's Gold Stonecrop Sedum Hybridum is an evergreen, succulent, compact growing perennial ground cover. Easily started from Sedum Hybridum seeds,...
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Sedum Dragon's Blood Stonecrop Sedum Spurium is a herbaceous perennial plant native to the Caucuses. Sedum Dragon's Blood seeds can be started indoors or...
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Sedum Emperor's Wave Stonecrop Sedum Telephium is a succulent, herbaceous perennial native to Eastern Europe, China, and Japan. Sedum Emperor's Wave seeds...
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Sedum Oktoberfest Stonecrop Sedum Acre is an evergreen, succulent, hardy perennial ground cover plant native to Europe, Northern Africa, and Western Asia....
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Sedum Oregon Stonecrop Sedum Oreganum is a sprawling, succulent perennial native to the Pacific Northwest of North America. Sedum Oregon Stonecrop seeds are...
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Sedum Purple Carpet Stonecrop Sedum Spurium Coccineum is a succulent, hardy perennial ground cover that is evergreen in mild climates. Sedum Purple Carpet...
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Sedum Russian Stonecrop Sedum Kamtschaticum is a semi-evergreen succulent perennial native to the Pacific coast of Russia Kamchatka Peninsula and northern...
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Sedum Stolon Stonecrop Sedum Stoloniferum is a succulent, evergreen perennial native to a region from the Caucasus to Iran. Sedum Stolon Stonecrop seeds...
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Sedum Summer Glory Stonecrop Sedum Spurium is a low-spreading, succulent perennial plant native to Turkey and Iran. Sedum Summer Glory seeds have to be...
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Sedum Voodoo Stonecrop Sedum Spurium is a perennial succulent plant that belongs to the Crassulaceae family. Sedum Voodoo seeds can be planted indoors or...
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Sedum Yellow Stonecrop Sedum Ellacombianum is a semi-evergreen, compact growing, succulent, perennial plant native to Northern China and the Pacific Coast...
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Shirley Poppy Double Mix Papaver Rhoeas is a hardy annual native to Europe. Shirley Poppy seeds are very easy to germinate, and they can be started directly...
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Showy Evening Primrose Oenothera Speciosa is a herbaceous perennial plant native to the south-central United States. Showy Evening Primrose seeds can be...
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