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Ox-Eye Daisy Leucanthemum Vulgare is a short-lived perennial from native to Europe. Ox-Eye Daisy seeds can be started indoors or directly outdoors in spring...
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Palm Springs Daisy Cladanthus Arabicus is a half-hardy annual daisy native to North Africa. Palm Springs Daisy seeds can be started indoors or directly...
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Pasque Flower Red Pulsatilla Vulgaris Rubra is a perennial that is closely related to Anemone. Pasque Flower is a spring-blooming favorite and perfect...
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Pasque Flower Violet Pulsatilla Vulgaris is a clumping perennial for naturalizing and wild gardens. Pasque Flower can be  easy grown from seeds, and...
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Pasque Flower White Pulsatilla Vulgaris Alba is a flowering perennial plant native to Europe. Pasque Flower can be effortlessly grown from seeds, and its...
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Passion Flower Blue Passiflora Caerulea is a tropical perennial native to southern Brazil and Argentina. It is recommended to soaked Passion Flower Blue...
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Pearly Everlasting Anaphalis Margaritacea is a perennial plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family, and this flowering perennial is native to the northern...
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Pearly Everlasting Summer Snow Anaphalis Triplinervis is a perennial plant native to the Himalayas. Pearly Everlasting Summer Snow seeds germinate rapidly,...
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Periwinkle Dwarf Little Bright Eyes Catharanthus Roseus is an evergreen, perennial flowering shrub native to Madagascar but grown around the world as the...
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Periwinkle Dwarf Little Mix Catharanthus Roseus is an evergreen, herbaceous, perennial shrub native to Madagascar, and this plant is very popular worldwide...
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Periwinkle Dwarf Pink Little Delicata Catharanthus Roseus is an evergreen, herbaceous, perennial shrub native to Madagascar but naturalized in most tropical...
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Periwinkle Dwarf Rose Little Linda Catharanthus Roseus is an evergreen, erect and spreading tender perennial shrub native to Madagascar. Other botanical...
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Periwinkle Dwarf White Little Blanche Catharanthus Roseus is an evergreen, flowering, tender perennial shrub native to Madagascar. The botanical name Vinca...
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Petunia Laura Bush Pink Petunia X Violacea Solanaceae is a tender perennial that is mostly grown as an annual. Petunia Laura Bush Pink seeds can be started...
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Petunia Laura Bush Petunia X Violacea Solanaceae is a tender perennial that is mostly grown as annual. Petunia Laura Bush seeds can be started outdoors in...
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Pheasant's Eye Adonis Vernalis is a hardy herbaceous perennial native to Eurasia where it grows in various regional sectors, from Spain all the way to...
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