Herb Seeds Herb Seeds

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Herb Seeds

Korean Mint Agastache Rugosa is a lovely, flowering perennial herb. Also commonly called Blue Licorice, Purple Giant Hyssop, Indian Mint, Wrinkled...
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Milkweed Showy Asclepias Speciosa is a herbaceous perennial native to western North America. Milkweed Showy seeds have to be stratified in a refrigerator...
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Fireweed Epilobium Angustifolium is a herbaceous perennial herb native to the temperate Northern Hemisphere. If Fireweed seeds are started indoors, the cold...
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Viper's Bugloss Red Russian Echium Russicum Rubrum a biennial flowering plant that is native to Russia, but this Echium is remarkably cold hardy, so the...
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Purslane Toucan Scarlet Shades Portulaca Oleracea is a succulent, short-lived perennial flowering plant that is mostly grown as an annual. Purslane Toucan...
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Purslane Toucan Fuchsia Portulaca Oleracea is a flowering succulent annual herb. Purslane Toucan Fuchsia seeds germinate very fast, and also commonly called...
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Prunella Self Heal Common Prunella Vulgaris is a perennial herb native to Europe, but this wildflower has been naturalized throughout Asia, Japan and the...
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Prunella Self Heal Pagoda Mix Prunella Grandiflora is a perennial, hardy flowering ground cover plant native to meadows and woodlands in Europe. Prunella...
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Prunella Self Heal Red Purple Prunella Grandiflora Rubra is a semi-evergreen ornamental plant native to to Europe, and it belongs to the Lamiaceae family....
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Prunella Self Heal Light Blue Prunella Grandiflora is a semi-evergreen perennial flowering herb native to to Europe, Asia, North Africa and North America....
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Prunella Self Heal White Prunella Grandiflora Alba is a herbaceous, semi-evergreen perennial flowering herb that belongs to the mint family and native to...
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Knotweed Pink Punching Balls Polygonum Capitatum is a perennial native to China. Knotweed Pink seeds can be started indoors 8-10 weeks before last frost,...
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Kenilworth Ivy Cymbalaria Muralis is a herbaceous, evergreen perennial, native to Europe and Asia. Kenilworth Ivy seeds need light to germinate, so the...
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Ground Ivy Glechoma Hederacea is an aromatic, creeping, evergreen, perennial flowering plant native to Europe and Southern Asia. For the fast germination...
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Calendula Geisha Girl Calendula Officinalis is one of the most popular garden annuals. Calendula Geisha Girl seeds can be started indoors, and also called...
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Calendula Golden Emperor Calendula Officinalis is a long time favorite annual garden flower native to the northern Mediterranean. Calendula Golden Emperor...
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