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Flowers For Cutting

Chinese Forget Me Not Cynoglossum Amabile is one of the very easiest wildflowers to grow. Chinese Forget Me Not seeds started directly outdoors in spring or...
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Clasping Coneflower Rudbeckia Amplexicaulis is a half-hardy annual plant native to the southeastern United States. Very easily grown from seeds Clasping...
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Columbine Dwarf Mix Aquilegia Vulgaris is a bushy, clump-forming perennial plant. Dwarf Columbine seeds can be started directly outdoors in spring or fall....
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Columbine McKana Giants Aquilegia x Hybrida McKana Giants is beautiful, perennial flower. Columbine McKana seeds benefit from cold treatment prior...
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Coneflower Purple Echinacea Purpurea is a showy, clump forming, herbaceous perennial. If the Purple Coneflower seeds are started indoors, the cold...
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Cosmos Gloria Cosmos Bipinnatus is a popular variety of garden Cosmos plant. Cosmos Gloria seeds can be sown outside in early spring or after last frost,...
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Cosmos Sea Shells Cosmos Bipinnatus is a flowering, herbaceous annual plant native to Mexico. Growing Cosmos Sea Shells from seeds is the easiest and...
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Cosmos Psyche White Cosmos Bipinnatus is a popular, tall growing garden annual flower. It is very easy to establish Cosmos Psyche White from flower seeds,...
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Cosmos Sensation Mix Cosmos Bipinnatus is a half-hardy annual flower native to Mexico. Cosmos Sensation Mix is very easy to establish from seeds and also...
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Cosmos Sulphur Orange Cosmos Sulphureus is a half-hardy annual wildflower native to American Southwest and Mexico. It is very easy to germinate Cosmos...
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Daisy Garland Chrysanthemum Coronarium is an annual herb native to the Mediterranean region. Daisy Garland can be easily grown from seeds, and also called...
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Daisy English Bellis Perennis is an evergreen, herbaceous perennial. Daisy English seeds can be started indoors or directly outdoors, and also commonly...
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Foxglove Excelsior Mix Digitalis Purpurea is a short-lived perennial or biennial plant that has been introduced from Europe and naturalized in North...
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Globe Gilia Gilia Capitata is a charming North America native wildflower that belongs to the phlox family. Globe Gilia seeds can be sown directly outdoors...
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Gloriosa Daisy Rudbeckia Hirta Sunset is a short lived perennial native to Eastern and Central United States. Gloriosa Daisy seeds can be started indoors or...
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Godetia Dwarf Farewell to Spring Clarkia Amoena is an annual wildflower native to California and British Columbia. Easily grown from Godetia Farewell to...
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Marguerite Golden Anthemis Sancti-Johannis is a short-lived, herbaceous perennial. Marguerite Golden seeds can be started indoors 6-8 weeks before last...
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Hollyhock Nigra Alcea Rosea is a hardy biennial or short-lived perennial. For the early establishment, Hollyhock Nigra seeds can be started indoors, cold...
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Hollyhock Queeny Purple Alcea Rosea is a popular biennial or tender perennial garden flower. Hollyhock Queeny Purple seeds can be started directly outdoors...
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Hyssop Lavender Licorice Mint Agastache Foeniculum is a perennial herb native to North America. Lavender Hyssop seeds can be started indoors or directly...
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Iceland Poppy Papaver Nudicaule is a hardy, short-lived perennial that is more often grown as biennial. Iceland Poppy seeds can be started indoors in winter...
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Lemon Mint Monarda Citriodora is a hardy annual herb native to the Midwest and southern United States. Lemon Mint seeds are easy to grow, and they can be...
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Love-In-A-Mist Jewels Mix Nigella Damascena is a charming Victorian garden annual flowering plant. Love-In-A-Mist seeds are very easy to grow, and this...
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Amaranthus Love Lies Bleeding Red Amaranthus Caudatus is a spectacular, bushy, half-hardy annual native to India, Africa and Peru. Also called Tassel...
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Lupine Blue Perennial Lupinus Perennis is a perennial herbaceous wildflower native to North America. Lupine Perennial seeds can be started indoors or...
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Maiden Pinks Dianthus Deltoides is a herbaceous perennial plant native to Europe and Asia. Maiden Pinks seeds are easy to grow, and they germinate fast, so...
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Maltese Cross Lychnis Chalcedonica has been one of the most popular cultivated garden flowers for over 300 years. Maltese Cross seeds can be sown indoors or...
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Maximilian Sunflower Helianthus Maximiliani is an attractive, tall growing, branching perennial sunflower native to North America. Maximilian Sunflower...
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Mountain Garland Clarkia Unguiculata is a delightful annual wildflower native to California. Mountain Garland seeds can be started directly outdoors in...
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Mountain Phlox Linanthus Grandiflorus is a beautiful annual wildflower native to California. Mountain Phlox seeds can be started directly outdoors in spring...
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Ox-Eye Daisy Leucanthemum Vulgare is a short-lived perennial from native to Europe. Ox-Eye Daisy seeds can be started indoors or directly outdoors in spring...
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Coreopsis Plains Coreopsis Tinctoria is one of the most popular annual wildflowers. Plains Coreopsis seeds are very easy to germinate, and also called...
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