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Astilbe Chinese Astilbe Chinensis is a popular, upright growing perennial for shade. Chinese Astilbe can be established from seeds, and the mature plant...
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Astilbe Showstar Mix Astilbe Arendsii is a dwarf variety of common Astilbe that can be easily grown from flower seeds. Dwarf Astilbe grows 12 - 14 inches...
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Astrantia Masterwort Purple Astrantia Major is a clump-forming perennial plant that belongs to the Apiaceae family. Astrantia flower seeds are often started...
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Aubrieta Rock Cress Cascade Blue Aubrieta Hybrida Superbissima is a low growing, spreading evergreen perennial. Aubrieta Rock Cress can be grown from flower...
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Aubrieta Rock Cress Cascade Mix Aubrieta Hybrida Superbissima is a large-flowered variety of Aubretia that can be grown from flower seeds. Rock Cress...
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Aubrieta Rock Cress Cascade Purple Aubrieta Hybrida Superbissima is a popular low to the ground carpet-forming perennial ground cover that is started from...
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Aubrieta Rock Cress Cascade Red Aubrieta Hybrida Superbissima is a cascading perennial ground cover. Rock Cress Cascade is grown from flower seeds the...
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Aubrieta Rock Cress Pale Blue Aubrieta Hybrida Graeca is a very compact evergreen perennial. Aubrieta seeds can be sown directly outdoors, and the...
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Aubrieta Rock Cress Purple Aubrieta Hybrida Hendersonii is a mat-forming, herbaceous perennial. The Aubrieta ground cover seeds can be started indoors for...
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Aubrieta Rock Cress Royal Mix Aubrieta Hybrida is a compact low-growing, evergreen perennial that can be started from ground cover seeds. Rock Cress forms...
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Aubrieta Rock Cress Whitewell Gem Aubrieta Hybrida is a popular, evergreen perennial ground cover. The Aubrieta seeds are easy to germinate, and once...
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Baby Blue Eyes Nemophila Menziesii is a delicate, herbaceous annual plant native to California. Baby Blue Eyes is very easy to start from flower seeds, and...
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Baby's Breath White Gypsophila Elegans is an annual flower native to Europe. Baby's Breath is one of the easiest annuals to grow from flower seeds. The...
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Balloon Flower Blue Platycodon Grandiflorus is an easy to grow from seeds, clump-forming perennial. Also known as Chinese Bellflower, the plant produces the...
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Balloon Flower Rose Platycodon Grandiflorus is a clumping, deciduous perennial that can be easily started from flower seeds. So called Chinese Bellflower...
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Balloon Flower White Platycodon Grandiflorus is one of the easiest perennials to grow from flower seeds. Also known as Chinese Bellflower, the plant grows...
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